Now, return to Experiment Builder. To use a datasource we need to create a SEQUENCE – for those familiar with programming, sequences work in a similar way to loops. Add a SEQUENCE to your experiment by dragging one from the Action toolbar, as below.
Now, we need to connect up the SEQUENCE and integrate it into our study. To do this, we need to re-arrange things a bit. Do the following steps:
- Delete the arrow from START to DISPLAY_SCREEN
- Highlight all the nodes from DISPLAY_SCREEN downwards
- Copy these (right click and then press Copy).
- Double-click on the SEQUENCE box. This will open up a new blank workspace in a new tab. There will be a START node in the middle.
- Finally, paste (right click and then press Paste) into the sequence.
This is all shown below.
You’ve now copied your display and button presses to the new SEQUENCE. You therefore don’t need the old ones any more. Go back to the Experiment tab and delete the old ones that you’ve just moved. Then, link START to the new SEQUENCE that you have just added, shown below.
Now if you Build and Test Run the study, you should see everything works the same as before! We’re now ready to add our Datasource though.
Adding a Datasource to a Sequence
Click on your new SEQUENCE and take a look at the Properties panel. Note you can rename SEQUENCE just like anything else. But there are two important details to look at: the Iteration Count and the Datasource :
Double-click in the box next to Datasource where is says “Colums:0 / Rows:0”. This will open up the datasource! But it’s blank at the moment. So we need to import some data.
To do so, click on Import Data and choose the tab-delimited file we created just a little bit earlier.
You will now have a datasource in Experiment Builder!